Visualization cannot exist without a word of truth being spoken. This must become very clear to you, so that you can challenge and give up more false words. It seems to take a lot of courage to say the word of truth. For example, “I can and will give the best. I will let God give through me in sincerity, in strength, in truth, in wisdom, in beauty.” Why does it seem to take courage to speak these words, my friends? For several reasons. First, your lack of belief that these words are actually a creation, and will create accordingly, requires bridging the gap from not knowing to experiencing. This gap can be bridged only by faith and that, in turn, is a question of commitment. It is extending yourself into unknown, unexplored new alternatives and vistas — and that is always a matter of courage, a matter of commitment to believing in this possibility, even if you have not yet experienced its truth. The courage to strongly pronounce these words is a necessary step and prerequisite. Faith is always comprised of courage and strength. (lecture 233)
You want to retain the state you are in, not trusting that its good aspects cannot ever be lost; yet at the same time you want to go into the next state. That is an impossibility, my friends, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is a contradiction in terms. Just as you need to trust and give time for the positive intentionality to take root and flower, so must you have patience and trust for the letting-go process. Then “the moment in-between” — between letting go of the old and the unfoldment of the new experience or state of consciousness — becomes in itself a joyous experience. You must learn to trust — to let this go in order to go there. This is an inner movement you can observe in yourself. You can practice it in your visualization in exactly the areas you find most resistant. This is very important for you, my friends. If you use this message and apply it, you can very easily make the decision again and again: “I will let go and move ahead inwardly in my state of consciousness, in my attitude, in my approach to life, in my value system, in my thought processes, in the feelings with which I respond to my experiences.” (lecture 241)
To my teacher Marieke Mars who taught me self-honesty. To my courageous and loving pathwork helper Dottie Titus.