Through psychology, and recently through profound spiritual work, exposure of self has reached depths unknown before in your history, with the exception of initiates, who formed small minorities in different cultures. Now exposure of the deeper levels of self has reached unprecedented degrees. Even the least knowledgeable people have attained a certain degree of awareness that there are deeper levels of being which determine their lives. You may now take this for granted, yet it was by no means always so.
The resistance to exposure is always present. It is obvious that refusal to expose creates isolation. When you deny exposure it always means that you have a stake in maintaining a rotten structure, a structure that you need to eliminate and replace. This unwillingness clearly implies the wish to continue living a lie. Dedication to the truth must bring the willingness and the courage to expose and to change.
If it is not done willingly, secret matters will be exposed through outside forces, through crises that will bring them to the surface. Once the force of the new influx is set in motion, it cannot be halted. The more opposition it encounters, the more painful the crisis will be.
This has also become very obvious in your public life. In very recent times, a great deal of hidden destructiveness has been exposed and communicated to the public. Again, this has never been the case before in the same way and to the same degree. And it continues. Something new has been set in motion. Through communication, through exposure, the whole world knows of political misdeeds that would previously have remained secret. Through the evolving group consciousness a great interplay and interaction takes place that allows all of humankind to participate in the drama of development.
Spiritual development without exposure can, at best, be only a half measure that leads eventually to a stalemate. But unless exposure is infused with love, it becomes self-defeating. Show respect for the person who has the courage to do it willingly. Those who refuse to open up willingly must not be allowed to destroy their environment and to influence events through their concealment.
The courage and strength necessary to bring about exposure wherever appropriate and necessary stems from the inner conviction that it is done in the service of a larger cause–in other words, in love. The more you expose yourself to yourself, and subsequently to others, the more you will discover your true intrinsic worth. You will know that the already developed higher self is the part that makes the exposure possible.
By seeing the same principle repeated in microcosm and in macrocosm, you develop a deeper understanding. Through this understanding and through your ever-intensified efforts toward self-exposure and communication with your immediate circle of dear ones with whom you share your process of development, you greatly contribute to the earth’s evolution. Although it may not be possible for you to see this influence directly and immediately, you will gradually sense it; it will become an ever-growing realization.
You still need to apply more awareness and attention to how you may use these aspects better in your own community life. Often, there still exists a blindness to self-exposure and to the exposure of others that fails to bring the truth to the surface. This undermines communication–and hence love and union. You would enhance communication if you made a more profound effort to explain yourself, and to help others to do likewise through a non-threatening attitude.
Communication could also vastly improve if you helped others to be more receptive to what you know and have to teach and, similarly, if you were more open and receptive to where you could learn from others. Too often a bland, dull numbness encases you into a half-vague, opinionated, incomplete, secretive holding onto assumptions that closes all doors.
To my teacher Marieke Mars who taught me self-honesty. To my courageous and loving pathwork helper Dottie Titus.