To realize and be on the lookout for such delaying tactics from the no-current is essential to your work of self-realization. Although a substantial part of you is eager to detect, to grow out of, to change the problems with the help of the yes-current, there is also a deep fear of change, showing the no-current at work. It exists in proportion to the difficulty of the problem and the work. The no-current cannot be eliminated unless the deep fear and its concomitant misconceptions, which call it into existence become conscious, and your reason and intelligence can examine their validity. Therefore, it is most advisable not to disregard the no-current and act as though it did not exist. It must be heeded, for it contains the key to the problem itself.
The important no-current is also called “resistance.” But this word has lost its meaning for you, so the mere mention of it may only increase your no-current. If you realize that the no-current is a universal factor, present in your world in many forms, it might be easier for you to go about detecting it in yourself.
Every one of you is constantly involved in a no-current. It is not a question of whose no-current is stronger and whose is weaker. The determining question is whether it is detected, observed, and followed in its machinations, which must be clearly understood. A stronger no-current is constantly weakened by your awareness and is less harmful than a puny but sluggishly obstinate one that clings to the personality in a most damaging fashion because it goes unobserved. The latter is more difficult to find, especially when the yes-current is strong. So please, my friends, set out to discover your no-current, find in what way it manifests, as well as on what misconceptions it is based.
Your unconscious speaks steadily, my friends. It speaks without your hearing it, so you do not communicate with it and therefore miss a very important part of your work. So often you go on searching for an intellectual understanding of one-time misconceptions, thereby overlooking the steady flow of the no-current, and how it works. Instead, focus on it, make it your task, and put the emphasis on self-observation. If every day you devote a little time to this all-important issue, the results will be most wonderful.
Ask yourself:
(1) What goal do I want now? Where am I dissatisfied? What would I want to be different?
(2) How much do I want it?
(3) To what extent is there something in me that does not want it or fears it or, for one reason or another, says no to it?
(4) If the no-current exists regarding the very thing I wish, it must also exist in my pathwork itself. How does it manifest there?
(5) How can I detect the various forms and manifestations of the no-current in my daily life?
If you clearly formulate these five questions and begin truthfully to answer them, your work on the path will be most dynamic and your progress will astound and delight you. Again, the truthful answer to these questions, through steady observation, formulation of vague feelings, and meditation exercises, cannot be a permanent one. Do not believe that what you now find suffices and needs no further attention; rather, it has to be observed continuously. Only then will the no-current slowly weaken. Each observation may bring deeper and wider understanding.
To be very quiet and relaxed during the periods of self-confrontation is, as you know, essential. But if you have difficulty in this respect, if you feel too tense, too harassed and impatient, if you believe that you are missing something else that is important without being able to name it, you can be sure that this is a typical manifestation of the no-current. That is what prohibits you from becoming quiet and listening to yourself. If you can acknowledge this, calmly stating to yourself, “I’m too nervous and restless to relax and do this part of the very process I want,” your restlessness will abate because you are in the truth of the now. The next step will be easier. You can then observe in action how you react when you try to work on your problem. If you continue to observe how, perhaps at another time, the no-current manifests in an entirely different way, but observe it calmly, with all the keen one-pointed attention you can muster, your efforts must be crowned with success, and eventually you will eliminate what is most destructive in your life. Instead, you often storm ahead in your flights of fantasy to a faraway goal of perfection, while underneath you actually fear this very goal and thus overlook what stands in your way.
To my teacher Marieke Mars who taught me self-honesty. To my courageous and loving pathwork helper Dottie Titus.