From lecture 17, THE CALL — DAILY REVIEW:
The best way to find out about your unconscious apart from dream analysis — but not everyone knows how to do that — is by doing what I call the Daily Review. With its help you can find out your true reactions to certain events; you begin to pull off masks and stop pretenses. You can find out where your actions go against a spiritual law. The daily review should be conducted in the following manner: Let the whole day pass in front of your eyes and in your memory; think of everything that has happened and has given you, in some way, a disharmonious feeling or reaction. And no matter how wrong the other person may have been, the moment you have been negatively touched by it, there must be something wrong within you. Write down in a few words the occasions, your reactions and associations. If you follow this practice through for some time to come, and not just once or twice, but faithfully, you will see after a while a clear pattern emerging. At first, these disharmonious incidents will appear entirely unconnected and isolated; they will be meaningless for you. Later on you will begin to sense and, in time, clearly understand the pattern. This will help greatly.
You should pray for enlightenment and guidance every time you conduct the daily review. Then ideas will flow into you and will eventually furnish you with further clues, though at first they may not make sense to you. Do not discard any of the ideas; do not resist them. Later on, all of them will form a clear picture. As with a puzzle, when you look at the pieces, you cannot see the picture, but if you patiently put them together, you will succeed. Thus you will uncover your hidden anxieties and complexes which are responsible for your disease. Most of it is anxiety or fear. This is true of almost all of them, in one form or another. There might be a fear that you do not permit yourself to acknowledge consciously, that you have pushed down into your unconscious. So now you have to let it out. It takes time and effort before you can deal with it properly in your conscious mind and become aware of the spiritual laws from which you have deviated within your soul.
Before ending this lecture, I want to remind all of you to practice using a powerful tool called daily review. You do not have to be extremely far in self-development to accomplish this. Anyone can do so. All you should do is review the day and think of all the instances that have caused you disharmony in any manner, shape, or form. Even if at the beginning you cannot understand why, just put down the incident and what you have felt. When you have done this for a while, a pattern will evolve. It may still not give you a clue concerning what is wrong in your inner makeup, but you will at least see some repetition indicating that there must be something in you that is causing the disharmony, no matter how wrong others may be in their own way. If unhappy events or feelings recur constantly, they are a clue to your own soul. These repeated occurrences, along with your reactions toward them, may vary in two or three ways, but there must be a basic, underlying problem which you can learn to recognize.
Doing your review will not take more than ten or fifteen minutes every day, which should certainly be possible for each one of you. You do not have to write down everything that has disturbed your sense of harmony during the course of a day, just certain key words. By constantly doing this, you will succeed in making the unconscious conscious and you will discover your own inner trends. You will most certainly recognize definite patterns in your life which you cannot become aware of otherwise. That is all you should do at present. There is no magic trick to it. After you have kept a daily review for a while, read all daily review notes through and recollect the incidents, with your reactions. See whether you can at least sense a pattern, and then ask yourself, “Can I find the point in myself where I deviate from some divine law?”
Compare these patterns with your list of faults which you have already discovered. Ask yourself questions as to what your feelings are, what your desire currents really want, and whether these feelings and currents are truly in accordance with divine law.
To my teacher Marieke Mars who taught me self-honesty. To my courageous and loving pathwork helper Dottie Titus.